There is no Business Without Show Business

The Top Performers Perform

Have you ever wondered why they call your annual review a “performance review”? What you do every day of your business life is to perform the task given to you. When you make a presentation or a sales call you are really performing for a client or prospect. The type of business that you are in does not matter; you are in show business whether you like it or not. My theory is quite simple: If you are giving a performance, make it a great performance. It is certainly not any harder than putting on a mediocre “show”, and it is more fun for you as a presenter.

The top performers really do know how to put on a show when they present. The concept is very logical when you think about it. When we are entertained as well as informed we retain the information more easily and completely. Your presentation doesn’t have to be funny or phony. Drama and sincerity are part of show business too.