Presentation Skills – Introduction

Communicating with Style and Power

“Meetings are where the minutes are kept and the hours are lost”.
Most meetings are boring because the “presenters” in the meeting do little or nothing to make their material interesting to the audience. That is a pretty sad commentary on the state of verbal communications in business today. In this great age of electronic communication our expectations for the spoken word are at an all time low. Most people who present information at meetings don’t understand that they are “performing” when they are presenting. Audiences do not expect a great performance. We are conditioned to accept the mediocre. Knowing this, a good presenter can work magic on the audience by surprising them with an interesting and memorable “performance”.

The great speakers understand that business presentations, whether to an audience of one or one hundred, are performances requiring all the acting skills that we possess. So why don’t more people become great speakers? Hopefully this workshop will answer that question and show you that you have the potential to become one of those ”great “ speakers.

View the workshop as a “consciousness raising” exercise. I hope to make you appreciate how the spoken word, delivered with style and power, can make you sound like, look like, and be a professional presenter. Good presenters understand human nature. They know how to make use of the fact that the audience is self-absorbed and want to be the focus of the presenter’s attention. Hopefully, by the end of the workshop you will clearly understand what power this knowledge can give you.

This is a notebook, not a workbook. I hope you find it useful and use it to remind yourself that, whether you like it or not, you are a performer when you are presenting.