Know the Audience

Who are they?
What do they need?
What do I need to do
to reach them?

The audience rules!

Worrying about who is in the audience can create as much stress as worrying about what the audience thinks of you.
Learn as much as you can about the people in the audience before you get into the room. Can you be funny? Should you tell a joke? Should the tone be formal or informal? Who is the power in the room? Who does that person look to for advice? I tell all my presenters not to avoid anyone in the room because you never know who will influence the buying decision.

Learn what the audience expects from you and then exceed their expectations. Audiences need a great deal of attention and nurturing to keep them focused. Why? Because human nature dictates that they are going to be more focused on themselves than on you. You can only learn how to “feel” the mood of an audience by paying close attention to, and caring about, their wants and desires. Believe me, they will tell you how they feel and what they are thinking as soon as you focus on them rather than on yourself.

Finally, try to envision the audience as a group of people you know and are comfortable with. Use your imagination. Speak to people you like and you will be much more relaxed.