Learn to watch yourself carefully.
You can’t become a great performer without rehearsing.
Did I say, “Rehearse”? Yes, because there is no substitute for it. Many executives say that they don’t like to rehearse because “it takes the spontaneity out of their presentations”. Baloney! Even the greatest stage and screen actors rehearse so they will know exactly where the “spontaneous” moments will fit into the presentation. Use a mirror and watch yourself perform the presentation. When you do it in front of a mirror you will get used to looking at your audience when you speak.
Don’t look at the podium, screen, or presentation boards when you are presenting. Don’t read the presentation—deliver it. LOOK AT YOUR AUDIENCE. It is easy if you practice. “Grab” a sentence or point from your notes or the screen. Hold it in your mind, then look up and deliver it to your audience. Repeat that process over and over. Don’t be a reader—be a performer! Great presenters rehearse, just as great actors do.