Act Like You Mean It

The audience will “re-act”.

It is impossible to be as excited and energetic as we are supposed to be every day of our business lives.

Let’s face it; no one can be “up” every day. We can’t always care as much as we should about our business or our client’s problems. But we can certainly learn to act like we care. When you let the audience know that you are as interested in them and their problems as you can possibly be, they will react to you in a very positive way. Audiences know more than we think they know. Just as we read their moods, so do they read ours when we are making a presentation. Common sense dictates that you cannot expect an audience to be interested in you unless you are interesting.
I always told my employees that ATTITUDES ARE CONTAGIOUS. IS YOURS WORTH CATCHING TODAY? A very corny old adage, but very true. You cannot get the prospect to care about what you are saying until you show them that you care about them. You can create a powerful bond with the audience through your attitude and your performance.